FIG! It contains 10 times more probiotics than kefir!

FIG! It contains 10 times more probiotics than kefir!

FIG! It contains 10 times more probiotics than kefir!

Benefits of dried figs
Figs are among the dried fruits that go well with hot drinks. Dried figs contain 10 times more probiotics than kefir. Here are the benefits of dried figs for our body.

1. It contains 10 times more probiotics than kefir. It goes well with tea.
Dried figs, which contain plenty of fiber, are one of the natural remedies that prevent constipation. However, its benefits are good for many problems, not just constipation.

2. Snacks such as dried figs and dates can be consumed especially to prevent sweet cravings. Fresh figs may contain more vitamins and minerals than dried figs. However, dried figs are just as useful as fresh ones.

3. Can it be consumed while dieting?
Dried figs, known to be rich in dietary fiber, contain potassium, iron, calcium and antioxidants. These substances contain compounds needed by the human body and can provide protective effects. Dried figs are more beneficial than fresh figs in the treatment of constipation.

4. When fruits are dried, they may be high in calories because their sugar content increases. Therefore, it is beneficial to consume it more moderately. Excessive sugar content can suddenly increase blood sugar. For this reason, it may be harmful for diabetic patients to eat more than 1 dried fig.

5. It would be a logical choice to include dried figs in your diet plans. However, the recommended amounts should not be exceeded. 2 dried figs correspond to approximately 60 calories.

6. Is it good for blood pressure?
The amount of water in dried fruits is quite low compared to fresh fruit. Therefore, patients with kidney failure should pay attention to portion sizes. However, dried figs balance blood pressure and keep it under control, thanks to the high potassium it contains.

7. Are dried figs good for the intestines?
Its high fiber content allows waste to pass through the intestine quickly and draws water into the intestine. At the same time, the probiotics it contains can improve digestive health. In this way, fig plays an effective role in relieving constipation.

8. How do we preserve dried figs?
Dried figs should be stored in a cool and dry environment and should be consumed within 1 year when stored in the refrigerator. Dried figs are much more productive than fresh fruits.

9. Experts state that dried figs may be beneficial for women against osteoporosis during menopause. At the same time, thanks to its calcium content, it will provide effects to protect bones and teeth.

10. Dried figs help relieve the effects of respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis. It can also soften the throat against problems caused by cough and throat inflammation.
